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Innovative Biobased Solutions

For Sustainable Construction


Smart Biobased Construction (SmartBioC) aims to speed up the uptake of circular biobased materials to provide zero-carbon, healthy and socially and economically viable solutions for the construction industry. SmartBioC is redefining performance indicators used to assess sustainable building choices and it is implementing smart digital technologies to enable widespread use of biobased materials and building solutions

Smart Biobased Construction 1

SmartBioC is using gamification and AR, VR and BIM models to enable the mainstream uptake of circular and net-zero biobased building solutions.

A curated set of  Wall, Roof and Floor assemblies are part of the biobased building choices.
The initiative provides zero-carbon, healthy and socially and economically viable biobased solutions for the construction industry in the UK and globally.

Digital technologies can accelerate the transition of the construction industry into a 50% less greenhouse gasses polluting industry, with a 50% increase on output speed
33% cheaper

UK’s Construction Strategy 2025 (DBIS, 2013)


SmartBioC assesses overarching human, social, natural, financial and manufacturing impacts (capitals) of specific biobased materials and building components as key performance indicators determining construction choices.

Natural capital refers to the environmental sustainability and includes all resources (e.g., renewable and non-renewable) that are required for any building.

Social capital indicates the building’s contribution to society, communities, family, businesses, culture and to government institutions, schools and networks, etc.

Human capital measures all benefits to individuals including their physical and mental health and wellbeing, knowledge, skills, motivation, recreation, etc.

Manufactured capital evaluates the goods, facilities, infrastructure& technologies required in construction to ‘build buildings’.​

Financial capital measures the financial & economic value of the building choices. (Bamboo, timber and Passivhaus and different texts for wall, roof, floor)

Biobased Building Assemblies 

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Timber Bamboo 

SmartBioC’s Timber-Bamboo build-ups are composed of timber and bamboo with hemp insulation and plasterboard.

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Fast Growing 

SmartBioC’s Fast-Growing build-ups are mainly composed of short or fast-rotation plant-based materials which take between 5-months (hemp) and 6 years (bamboo) to mature, and to be ready for durable construction applications

Pasivhaus Floor (1)_edited.jpg


SmartBioC’s Passivhaus build-ups are timber-based systems for Passivhaus construction.

Click on the images for further information 

Digital tools - Serious Games, AR and more

​SmartBioC explores how digital imaging technologies, data science, building information modelling (BIM) and serious games tools can accelerate the uptake of circular biobased materials to provide zero-carbon and socially and economically viable solutions for the construction industry. These tools are explored as a way of encouraging decision makers and end-users to adopt biobased building materials.​

​Alongside the integration of material information databases (e.g., data on LCA, thermal performance and strength), the visualisation aspect and the interactivity of a digital platform are key to provide a biobased building decision tool that is fit for the future. SmartBioC can help users and the industry make informed decisions on biobased building material choices with the ability to increase human, social and natural capital, whilst maintaining manufactured and financial capital.

Biominded Society for NetZero CO2 Event
17th July 2024 

This one-day event explored the diverse factors enabling a ‘bio-minded society’ which embraces biobased solutions in new and retrofitted buildings for a healthier, inclusive and net-zero built environment. 


This event was open to everyone with an interest in construction, industry stakeholders, public and private organisations and academics. It involved talks by experts, active discussions, a co-creation workshop and demonstrations of the ongoing research project titled "Smart Biobased Construction" (SmartBioC) undertaken at UWE.

Our Team.

We have a diverse team with a wide range of expertise in the field.